Rental Criteria
Rental Criteria
Credit History
Applicants need to show that they are trustworthy and reliable. We look for a credit score at or above 550. Other factors that are considered are length of credit history and single one-time events that have negatively affect your credit score. Those with short or no credit history will be required to have a co-signer.
Background Check
Applicants will be screened for criminal convictions. This Company does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin. However, ensuring resident safety and protecting property are fundamental responsibilities of this Company. Therefore, the Company has adopted the following policy with regard to criminal background checks of potential tenants. All applicants will be provided a copy of this policy and this policy will be consistently followed with each and every applicant.
A Criminal Background Check will not be made until an applicant’s financial and other qualifications have been verified. Arrest records will not be considered. Only convictions will be considered. An individualized assessment will be made by Company staff which considers the following:
- The nature and severity of the crime for which the applicant was convicted.
- Facts and circumstances surround the conviction.
- The age of the individual at the time of the conviction and/or how long ago the conviction occurred.
- Whether the individual suffered from a disability which actually contributed to the crime and the applicant no longer suffers from the same.
- Evidence of whether the applicant has maintained a good tenant history before and/or after the conviction.
- Evidence of rehabilitation efforts.
Rental History
Applicant must have a minimum of twelve (12) months consecutive rental history or proof of home ownership. Satisfactory history is defined as no more than two (2) late payments, the resident gave adequate notice to vacate, and there are no outstanding financial obligations to the landlord. The previous landlord must be willing to re-rent to the applicant. Applicant must not have left another apt. community with money owed. If first time renter, we may require an additional deposit and/or a co-signer. Deposit will not exceed two months of market rent.
Monthly combined income for all occupants must be three times (3) the monthly rent. Verification can include pay stubs, phone verification by an employer, tax forms, etc., or an acceptance letter from employer.
All leases will require a deposit of 1.5 times one month’s rent. This can be paid up front or you can forgo paying the deposit up front by using our deposit free option.
Co-signers can be added if your credit is insufficient or lacks a long history. However, applicants must apply and qualify in all other respects before a co-signer can be considered. Income requirements for a co-signer must be three and a half (3 1/2) times the monthly rent. Co-signers must pay for a credit check and will not be accepted with insufficient credit history.
Occupancy Guidelines
All residents and adult occupants must be listed on the lease agreement. Residents are allowed only 1 qualified change of occupants per lease agreement. No more than two (2) occupants may reside per bedroom. All lessees must be 21 years or older without co-signer. The two (2) person limitations shall not apply to a child or children born during the course of the lease.
Renters Insurance
Every lessee will be required to be a named insured on a renter’s insurance policy with a liability limit of no less than $300,000. Pollard Properties, LLC must be named as an additional interest on the policy. Proof of policy will be required BEFORE move-in.
Rental Term
The minimum rental term is 12 months. If a resident elect to move out prior to the end of the term they will be responsible for the remaining rent payments.
Only dogs and cats are permitted within the following guidelines:
-Pet rent is $25 per pet per month.
-No exotic pets.
-No aggressive breeds. If the breed is questionable, the decision will be left up to the property manager.
-No more than two (2) pets per home, without written permission.
-All pets must be named on lease with name, age, and breed.
-Pets found in a property without proper notice will result in a $400 fine and is grounds for eviction.
False Information
Applicants need to show that they are trustworthy and reliable. We look for a credit score at or above 550. Other factors that are considered are length of credit history and single one-time events that have negatively affect your credit score. Those with short or no credit history will be required to have a co-signer.

Credit History
Applicants need to show that they are trustworthy and reliable. We look for a credit score at or above 550. Other factors that are considered are length of credit history and single one-time events that have negatively affect your credit score. Those with short or no credit history will be required to have a co-signer.
Background Check
Applicants will be screened for criminal convictions. This Company does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin. However, ensuring resident safety and protecting property are fundamental responsibilities of this Company. Therefore, the Company has adopted the following policy with regard to criminal background checks of potential tenants. All applicants will be provided a copy of this policy and this policy will be consistently followed with each and every applicant.
A Criminal Background Check will not be made until an applicant’s financial and other qualifications have been verified.
Arrest records will not be considered. Only convictions will be considered. An individualized assessment will be made by Company staff which considers the following:
- The nature and severity of the crime for which the applicant was convicted
- Facts and circumstances surround the conviction.
- The age of the individual at the time of the conviction and/or how long ago the conviction occurred.
- Whether the individual suffered from a disability which actually contributed to the crime and the applicant no longer suffers from same
- Evidence of whether the applicant has maintained a good tenant history before and/or after the conviction.
- Evidence of rehabilitation efforts
Rental History
Applicant must have a minimum of twelve (12) months consecutive rental history or proof of home ownership. Satisfactory history is defined as no more than two (2) late payments, the resident gave adequate notice to vacate, and there are no outstanding financial obligations to the landlord. The previous landlord must be willing to re-rent to the applicant. Applicant must not have left another apt. community with money owed. If first time renter, we may require an additional deposit and/or a co-signer. Deposit will not exceed two months of market rent.
Monthly combined income for all occupants must be three times (3) the monthly rent. Verification can include pay stubs, phone verification by an employer, tax forms, etc., or an acceptance letter from employer.
All leases will require a deposit of 1.5 times one month’s rent. This can be paid up front or you can forgo paying the deposit up front by using our deposit free option.
Can co-sign for the lease agreement only after filling out an application and meeting all rental criteria. Income requirements for a co-signer must be three and a half (3 1/2) times the monthly rent. Co-signers must pay for a credit check and will not be accepted with insufficient credit history.
Occupancy Guidelines
All residents and adult occupants must be listed on the lease agreement. Residents are allowed only 1 qualified change of occupants per lease agreement. No more than two (2) occupants may reside per bedroom. All lessees must be 21 years or older without co-signer. The two (2) person limitations shall not apply to a child or children born during the course of the lease.
Rental Term
The minimum rental term is 12 months. If a resident elect to move out prior to the end of the term they will be responsible for the remaining rent payments.
Renters Insurance
Every lessee will be required to be a named insured on a renter’s insurance policy with a liability limit of no less than $300,000. Pollard Properties, LLC must be named as an additional interest on the policy. Proof of policy will be required BEFORE move-in.
Only dogs and cats are permitted within the following guidelines:
-Pet rent is $25 per pet per month.
-No exotic pets.
-No aggressive breeds. If the breed is questionable, the decision will be left up to the property manager.
-No more than two (2) pets per home, without written permission.
-All pets must be named on lease with name, age, and breed.
-Pets found in a property without proper notice will result in a $400 fine and is grounds for eviction.
False Information
Any falsification of information, including knowingly omitted information on the application, will automatically disqualify the application. All deposits and application fees taken will be forfeited.